Not bad, very creative. Good wrk....and keep it up.
Not bad, very creative. Good wrk....and keep it up.
There is so much of this damn it. *sigh*....but it wasn't all that bad. Animation not to bad, figures should be less bulky so u can see the moves better. Make all their limbs thinner next time. And add a lil color other than red. Whatever....bye
Some parts were funny, most weren't. All though I thought it was terabble and WAY too long for its gay repetitiveness, u did put some effort into the actual animation (not so mmuch into the story as u should have). It should make it into NG so other ppl who share ur sense of humor can see it.
Not one of ur best
I love ur flash animations, I love u and ur whole disaster Krew. I love u, where do u live. I promise I wont stalk u.......CAn I HAVE A LOK OF UR HAIR. Maby then some of ur talent will rub onto me. I'm not psycho....SHUT UP. WHY MUST U TEST OUR LOVE?!?!? Ahem, so yeah, u done better but dis 1 aint not bad. Bye bye then.
It was pretty kewl, I didn't get it though. Did u do Frame by Frame animation? And nice usage of gradients. Kewl music. Over all very nice. Keep up the good work.
Not my style of funny
"What's a duche?" and "FUCK!! Fukin basterds were right again. GOD Damn it!!" were the only 2 funny parts. Mildly funny at that. My suggestions if u care to know, first make it funny. Second, go die in a fire cause u just don't know humor. Whatever.
Guba Guba Guba
Come on....ur doin the comedy stylin's of Family Guy and u know it. But who gives a shit....FUKIN the max!! That whole charles in charge thing was a rip but I still love this series especialy this episode. I think i love Mr Hootingtons....can I have his digits. This stuff definatlye rivals ARFENHOUSE in comedy, but u get em beat in music. Kewl toons. K, now I must rescue the Castrated Mute People of Planet Prostate III. WOOOOOSH!!!
YOU USE LIKE 10 TWEENS AND CRAPPY ASS ART. STOP MAKING ANIMATIONS AND POSTING THEM HERE. Learn to use flash and learn to draw ALOT better, until then.....go die in a fire.
Well first of all, it was like 10 sec long, u need more stuff in it. Second, 1 hero and 1 villan, thats like every other story ever made in the history of history. And third, if you were gonna do 1 still for each character, u could have at least done a half decent job on them. They look like a retarted maby monkey drew them with his ass.
I HAVE A SHRINE OF U IN MY TOUNGE. I DONT KNOW WHAT U LOOK LIKE SO I MADE IT RESEMBLE CAPT JOHN LUKE PAKARD!!!1! I wish to place my style of humor in a flash movie one day, but sadly I do not have ur talent. I want to be like you. But untill that day, I will have to keep my Smacks Cereal safe from the evil bee hord. They're filthy. Well good day to u Capt.....and make more AHTM's or else....u know what I mean. FRIED BACON!!!!
Joined on 2/10/04