A question
Was he angry...or constapated?
A question
Was he angry...or constapated?
U didnt even really need him to have a burnt face. Had notta to do wit the story and yet it was still funny. GJ
that's what made it so silly.
Very kewl, not bad story. SICK music, my only problem......I wish u could draw a little better. Everything looks so cartoony. Animation is fine, but the look of the ppl and monsters is really cheap. All in all though, real good. GJ
Not bad
Best stick figure animation I've seen in a while. One question, why does he have PINK wheels?
Thank dude, he has pink wheels because thats me skating (in the first part) and my skatebaord has pink ZERO wheels. The next one he didnt have a board so he used mine.
Ok...ur a girl right?? If not, OH SUCH A PANZY U BE!!! Good animation, not my style of music but it was good quality. Was this like a music video, or something. I'm just....uhhg....WHAT?!?! I didnt get it, who were all those wierd bitches?? Uhg, trying not to be so negative here.....* deep breath *.... good art job. Bye
Only 1 funny part
When he was scared of the wall mart guy.....that was ok. But I was expecting Dex to say something like " U tried to kill him again??". And the fact that he thought he was a terrorist.....the ancient Aztecans have a word for that.."GAY"!!! The DVD setup was ok, gives u interactivity points, but this was nothin special over all.
You can't do any better douch bag
That took 15 hours? Well, ok. Not bad enough to be blamed. Not good enough to be praised. I liked the music alot though.
U are 1 sick and twisted person. And that was FUKIN AWSOME FLASH ANIMATION. That was really kewl, MAKE MORE OF THOSE PLZ. U dont know how that 1 made my night. Been sittin here rating new crappy stick figure crap, then this. So kewl man...thx for that.
Seriously...I've stayed on an hour just reviewing new stuff. And already I've seen 4 other things like this. This 1 had sound at least. But not good enough to be on NG. Sry
Not bad, Japan Flakes?? Lol....ok. I really wanted to see him take out a hachet and kill the bowl in a violent agry rage....but it was ok the way it ended. ok
Joined on 2/10/04