Was that Blink 182? They reek ass wads.
Was that Blink 182? They reek ass wads.
So you didn't watch the movie I'm guessing...
Lol, just kidding, all though I don't understand the txt the reads "Story by" so and so. What story? In fact there was no ponit to it, no jokes, no blood, 1 measily explosion. I'm not making fun of guys, I'm just confused. Well at least ur animation and sounds were good, I'd say they were above average and kudos to that. But I'm still confused, was there a moral or were u trying to be funny. Seriously, respond to this and tell me.
Nop ,no moral to this . And I (Bryan) wast tring to be funny with this. My dad (Kevin) wrote the basic story to this about 4 years ago and I dont know if he was tring to be funny. The main reason I made this is because my dad was constantly pestering me to make it.
well i hope that this helped you.
This passed judgement?!?!? Uhh, there be no god. Well at least ur not pokin fun at toons that are infinatly better than this. This particular sumbission did suk to a new extreme, so my advice would be....uh forget it. No 1 listens, and all I see on the submition boards is crap, sept the rare decent 1's. Sigh....this sucked. END TRANSMITION...Bee bee boop bop
stop saying "toons" it pisses me off >_<
ok...heres some advice
Seek out a bussy road, wait on the shoulder until a large truck aproaches, then suddenly run out infront of it killing u and any possable terable flash animation u may come up with in the future. THE END
Ok...her how it is
I nvr really payed all that much attention to the clock crew animations. They're skillffully animated and all...but not to funny and the voices are annoying. But this particular animation REQUIRES my praise. EMO SUX...."aww look at me, I'm emo. I'll go write in my man diary, put on make up, sing sad sad songs, cry about losing my girlfriend, and cut my wrists." SOO gay. Thank you SpriteRemixClock, and good job.
Hahahaha.....a man diary. That's hilarious. Thanks for making me laugh out loud. And thanks for the comments.
It's got 1 thing going for it
I can tell u put alot of effort into this....thats about it. Other than that...the animation was nothing special, art was ok, wasn't all that funny...and emo is SOOOOOO GAY. Gay emo...emo is gay so gay it sux big floppy donkey penis while being ass raped by a big black guy all the while pole dancing at a gay bar in nothing but a purple thong and pink sparkly glasses. That gay!!
ROAR EMO GAY ROAR! Haha, well I'm open-minded to any kind of music. But thats your taste, I respect that. Thanks for watching!
Not hilarious but still pretty funny. Love the voice by Legendary Frog...MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Lol, nvr got into the PS1 or PS2 so no resident evil, but can't help but see plenty of that on NG. U guys r great, keep it up.
ha thanks for the input... not hilarious huh..well we didn't have much time but we did have alot..and i mean alot of jokes...but a week isn't enough...we'll try harder next time
A question
Was he angry...or constapated?
Joined on 2/10/04